Sunday 13 March 2016

Afternoon tea picnic

This weekend, we were invited to a lovely Sunday afternoon birthday picnic with a Mad Hatters theme. We opted for a classical 'posh afternoon tea' look instead of an actual full-on Alice in Wonderland vibe, what with it being a Sunday afternoon (you don't want to be scrubbing off a Cheshire cat grin on a Sunday night).

Even though this isn't technically cosplay or geeky dress-up, we thought we'd share the photos with our online friends.

Sunday 6 March 2016

Machi Koro with Harbour Expansion: easy to learn, fun to play

Today, we're posting the first of many (hopefully!) blog posts regarding our love for board games.

The focus on this post is on Machi Koro. We've had this game for a while (purchased at Exclusive Books), and quite enjoyed it. Since this is a card-based game, the sheer number of different cards can be quite daunting when you open the box the first time, but it's actually really straightforward and easy to grasp.

Without going into too much detail, you basically buy properties which generate income (determined by a dice roll), which you can then use to upgrade your properties and build your city, until the first player manages to build the specified four properties which win the game. Of course, things get interesting when you start earning income from other players, and taking away their hard-earned savings!

After a few play-throughs, we started feeling that we wanted to buy the Harbour Expansion for Machi Koro, which takes the number of players up from 4 to 5, adds more cards, and makes the gameplay more unpredictable by randomising and limiting the properties you are able to buy from the shop.

We looked out for the expansion everywhere, ordering it from at least 2 places, only to hear that every place in the entire South Africa was out of stock. So sad! Fortunately, Annalene's dad, who lives in London, decided to come visit us in Bloemfontein recently, and he agreed to bring us the expansion all the way from England.

The Harbour Expansion is quite a game changer, and is to be recommended for any Machi Koro lovers. We played it by ourselves first, and then invited some friends over for a board game evening, and they also loved it. When 5 people are playing, things can get quite hectic on the bank though, so Marius decided to handle the money and give everyone else a chance to build properties. This worked out quite well, as he was constantly handing out coins and giving change.

We have a few pictures from our own play-through, but unfortunately we were too busy having fun when we played this with friends, and we completely forgot to pause for photos.