Tuesday 19 September 2017

Destiny 2 Collector's Edition

We won something!

So with the release of Destiny 2, Mweb Gamezone and Megarom Interactive had a competition where you could win the Collector's Edition of the game if you submitted a video about what Destiny means to you.

We jumped at the chance to have fun and possibly win something, and you can check out our video here. Bear in mind that we shot this video with a pretty basic cellphone, and Marius edited it on PowerPoint! We used the track 'Undefeated' from the new Skillet album as our soundtrack - it's an epic song/album, and also worth checking out.

Just when we had given up hope that we might have had a chance of winning, Mweb contacted us to say that we had, in fact, won the collector's edition. It's a truly stunning set of Destiny-related items, and we wanted to share it with you.

One of the biggest collector's edition boxes we'd ever seen!

This is what the box looks like once the sleeve is removed.

The first layer inside the box.

The second layer contains the really detailed frontier bag, styled after Hawthorne's bag in the game.

A metallic canister bearing the symbols of the three hero classes in Destiny 2.

Inside the canister, three survival compartments are linked together into one.

The compartments can be separated. This entire canister can also be fitted onto the frontier bag.

These two compartments contain a paracord and a solar blanket, respectively.

The final compartment is actually a solar USB charger with adjustable panels.

The Cabal-themed collector's box, filled with interesting goodies.

Some of the contents of the Cabal box.

Cabal military pawns.

More neat stuff.

A postcard from outer space.

More content from the Cabal box.

Frontier bag, Cabal box, Steelbook game case, and the survival canister.

The bag was way bigger than we expected, and really beautiful.

Look at the details!

Some more frontier bag details.

The back of the box, detailing the contents.