Sunday 7 October 2018

rAge 2018 Loot Haul

rAge Expo 2018 was an absolute blast. We saved up for a long time beforehand so that we could buy some really geektastic merchandise, and it was so worth it!

In addition to purchasing items on our respective wishlists, we also won quite a few items at the Table Realms stand, so we ended up leaving with way more figurines than planned (not that we are complaining).

Have a look at all the wonderful figurines, games, shirts, and other items that we got. But be warned: you may suffer from an acute case of loot fever after reading this.

Marius models his new Tracer shirt (Overwatch) from BT Games

Back view of the Overwatch T-shirt

S.P.E.C.I.A.L. pins! We got these at the Fallout 76 stand.

A pink llama fridge magnet that came with purchasing Vicious Attack Llama Apocalypse

Epson printed out pictures for free, to show off their printing technology

Personalised disc covers from the Castle Lite tent. We love these!

We also purchased some actual games, not just gaming-related merch.

Another of our favourite purchases were the rAge 2018 T-shirts

Legend of Zelda shirt! We haven't played Legend of Zelda yet, but this shirt was too cool to resist.

Annalene tests out the new Link shirt.

The Witcher hoodie will come in handy next winter

Annalene went a bit wild purchasing Witcher merchandise... T-shirt, hoodie, and a Geralt figurine

A shirt we won at the Table Realms stall. It features two unicorns from the Dash Pop game.

Skyrim keychain

Yes, this is real.

Marius holds our second major board game purchase. It's Viking-themed!

We also got hold of some Ticket to Ride expansions. We've played the base game so many times, that it was time for an upgrade.

This should come in handy with the next cosplay. Check them out at Frogz Eggz.

So this was actually a prize Marius won at Table Realms. They had major giveaways.

The figurine is really expensive if you want to buy it, so thank you Table Realms for the prize!

This is Ganondorf from The Legend of Zelda. 

Amazing detail, and a really big figurine!

Ganondorf from the back.

Catwoman was also a reward from Table Realms.

We both love Lord of the Rings, but we do not own a lot of LOTR merchandise, so we added Gandalf to our collection.

This was free loot from Table Realms. We're not big My Little Pony fans, but she looked kind of emo, so we took her home.

Geralt of Rivia from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Back view of the Geralt figure

Atreus from God of War. Another prize we won by playing at Table Realms.

We also kept the beer glasses from the Castle Lite tent. It's not often that you get a beer tent that's gaming-themed!

Here's a pic of us playing Drift Frenzy at Table Realms. Look out for a blog post on the whole rAge experience!

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