Monday 24 June 2019

Medieval Fayre: Viking Invasion

We attended our first Medieval Fayre together this year. The Medieval Fayre is a yearly event held at Muldersdrift, and it is an amazing experience. People dress up in medieval garb and participate in axe throwing, mock battles, tomato throwing, archery, tavern quizzes, impromptu dancing, and much more.

This year's theme was Viking Invasion, which was right up our alley (we pride ourselves on our surname being from Nordic origins and translating to 'champion'). It also happened to coincide with our fourth wedding anniversary, so we grabbed some tickets and made a weekend out of it.

Marius buying mead, a tankard, and a drinking horn.

Some of the other raiders were happy to pose for a picture.

Ye Olde Information Booth.

These dogs were undoubtedly some of the stars of the Fayre.

A rare picture of us together. 

The Jarl Couple Tickets got us turkey legs and craft beer, along with some other things.

Eating meat like a Viking.

Your friendly neighbourhood Norseman.

Getting some archery tips from a professional.

Vegetable Justice - you pay to throw tomatoes at a very insulting criminal in the stocks.

Marius attempting to deal justice with a tomato (we missed all our throws).

Curly fries and yummy burger.

Fairy tales do come true - Marius found a unicorn.

The bacon doughnut was another popular item at the Fayre.

Action shot of Annalene practicing to shoot her enemies.

Annalene got her very own driking horn fit for a jarl.

Axe throwing lessons - one of the most satisfyinig sports EVER.

Annalene enters the ring to Fight-A-Knight.

Our loot haul from the Fayre. Mead, tankards, drinking horns, chain maille jewellery.

An official photo of some of the merrymakers. We are just left of the centre.
A blacksmith practising his trade.

This handcrafted gladius was exquisite.

Some vikings ready for feasting.

So many people dressed for the occasion. The atmosphere was amazing.

Marius shows off the 'dragon claw', a drinking horn with a sling for easy transport.

Some gear for the Fight-A-Knight area.

Marius is ready to bludgeon his opponent.

Marius enters the ring, ready to fight.

We had a total blast, and would recommend this to anyone who loves alternative events, history, or dressing up. We cannot wait to hear next year's theme.
A short video of Marius fighting a knight.

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