Tuesday 23 February 2016

Throwback to our first hasty Avengers 'cosplay'

When Avengers: Age of Ultron started showing in cinemas, we were only focused on getting to the first possible screening. But a few days before we went to see it, we decided that we had to dress for the occasion.

Slightly broke and out of time, we devised the easiest 'costumes' we could come up with - Marius went as Nick Fury, and Annalene as Thor. Of course, we would have loved to do Iron Man and Hulk, but those outfits are quite tricky, and take more planning.

Marius had recently shaved his hair, so all he needed was an eyepatch and a pistol. For Annalene's Thor outfit, we (okay, mostly Marius) built Mjolnir out of cardboard, plastic pipe and tinfoil, and turned an old sarong into a royal cape.

We got some stares and compliments in the mall, and a few people even stopped for photos. None were deemed worthy to lift the mighty hammer of Odin. At the movies, the Ster Kinekor manager also asked for a photo, and we were happy to oblige. It's fun when others also get excited about something we are excited about!

We only got around to taking photos in the mall's parking lot, so unfortunately the quality is not that great.  And when we get around to posting some of our later dress-ups, it will become clear that we've come a long way from turning sarongs into capes. But hey, you have to start somewhere.


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