Thursday 23 June 2016

Quick post: The Jedi Path and the Book of Sith

For our first anniversary, Marius got me this:

Coolest gift ever! I wanted to share a few more photos and general impressions.

Firstly, the Light Side:

This is quite a cool 'manual' for would-be Jedi. It takes the approach of a journal full of Jedi training notes passed down from master to apprentice throughout a few generations, starting with Yoda and ending with Luke. All these notebook owners wrote their names at the front of the book, and also made copious personal notes in the margins throughout.

The notebook contains all kinds of interesting aspects of being a Jedi, including history, using the Force, appropriate attire and behaviour, constructing a lightsaber, and what happens to those who do not pass the trials.

Any Jedi fan will enjoy reading through this, and seeing the personal notes by various 'owners' of this book, reflecting their unique personalities.

Then, we get to the Dark Side:

The Dark Side usually manages to look much cooler than the Light Side, and this book is no exception. According to a preface by Luke Skywalker, this manual was put together from various parts of recovered texts, and the pages in the book actually look like they came from different sources.

The text comments on many different aspects of Sith life and training, and also sheds some light on how the Sith view the Jedi. The pages are full of colourful illustrations, making this a joy to browse through.

As with The Jedi Path, this text also features personal commentary in the margins, mainly by Luke Skywalker and Darth Sidious (Emperor Palpatine).

If you are a Star Wars fan, you are sure to enjoy these two books.

They are available from

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