Monday 24 October 2016

How we created our cosplay outfits: Bloodborne Hunter and female Thor

This month on our blog it's all about rAge. And a big part of our excitement regarding rAge this year, was taking part in the official GES rAge cosplay contest - our first official big cosplay event.

Today, we want to share how we went about creating these outfits. Compared to some of the other cosplay outfits at the event, ours were pretty basic, and we definitely plan to improve on our approach and techniques, but we had a lot of fun coming up with these, and we thought we'd share the process with those who are interested.

Let's start with the Hunter's saw cleaver (Bloodborne enthusiasts will recognise this iconic weapon). Firstly, we have to give credit and thanks where it's due: we got the saw cleaver tutorial from the amazing dude at Storm the Castle. He also runs a YouTube channel with loads of wonderful creative gadgets you can make from common household materials. You can find the saw cleaver tutorial here.

Firstly, we printed out the provided template on a large sheet of paper. If you don't have access to such a printer, you can simply print out the individual parts on smaller sheets of paper (consult Storm the Castle for details).

Next, we pasted the paper templates onto a hardboard sheet (you can decide on the thickness you prefer).

The hardest part of this entire process was cutting out the correct shape with a Dremel multi-tool. Marius spent several hours sweating away at this, making sure to be as precise as possible with the jagged teeth of the blade.

Finally, we had the basic shape of the weapon to work with.

Next up was pasting the different parts of the handle together. This version of the saw cleaver actually includes a retractable handle to showcase the 'trick' part of the weapon, and the handle also had to be nice and sturdy; thus, the three-layered approach.

We used rubber bands and screws to secure the freshly-glued parts together, and left the cleaver for a few days to dry completely.

Even at this stage, you could remove a screw or pin in order to extend the handle and showcase the two different looks of the saw cleaver.

After the glue had dried, it was time to disassemble the cleaver again and give it a nice black base coat of enamel paint.

When the paint on the handle had dried, we had fun wrapping it with bandages we had 'dirtied' by rubbing in mud and letting them dry. We used a hot glue gun to fasten the bandages to the handle.

Marius applied silver paint on the blade and on the tip of the handle, using a dry-brushing method to make the surface seem textured and battered.

Finally, we could hot-glue bandages to the blade as well, and then apply some 'blood' (red and black mixed fabric paint) to both sides of the blade. And voilà - we had a dangerous-looking saw cleaver.

The pin connecting the handle and blade could be moved in order to release and secure the handle in its extended position - a nice trick weapon touch that impressed the judges at the cosplay competition.

Let's have a look at the rest of the Bloodborne Hunter outfit:

In brief, the hat was an iParty pirate hat that we reworked and stitched up to more closely resemble the Hunter's hat. The face buff came from the sleeve of an old T-shirt (cosplay clever, not expensive, people). The cape came from a previous Darth Vader cosplay (it's short because it was created for Annalene), and you can find an awesome tutorial on easy no-sew capes here. The shirt was a normal white dress shirt that we splattered with fake blood from iParty's Halloween section. Marius also wore brown iParty suspenders hanging from his pants. The boot spats also came from iParty - we have used these in everything from pirate to medieval wedding to steampunk to Bloodborne. And finally, even though it is not clearly visible in the picture, Marius wore a small blood vial attached to his belt - an empty beard oil bottle that we repurposed for the cosplay.

Next up, we have Jane Foster as Thor (based on a relatively new comic book story arc). This cosplay was kind of made up of our own interpretation of female Thor, and not really based on how Jane Foster actually looks in the comic books - something which definitely stretches the definition of 'cosplay', but nevertheless looked kind of badass, in our opinion.

Let's start with the most important item: Mjölnir.

We did not take any pictures of the forging of this great hammer, since we were rather skeptical of its success, so here is a brief description of how it was created. Firstly, we glued a few large sponges together (we got them from the cleaning supplies aisle). We used a multi-tool to bevel the edges a bit and create a less 'square' effect. Then, we placed a wooden axe handle into the sponges, securing it at the top with a jam jar lid and a screw. Next, we covered the hammer part with three layers of papier-mâché, let it dry, and then painted it with a base coat of black enamel paint and a topcoat of silver enamel paint. The handle was also painted silver, and as with the saw cleaver, we used a bit of dry-brushing to create a weathered effect. We then used a hot glue gun to glue strips of fake leather onto the handle, creating the iconic loop at the end. The hammer had a nice solid feel to it, but it wasn't too heavy, which is a nice bonus when you have to carry it around all day and remain in character.

The brass bracers were, like the saw cleaver, inspired by Storm the Castle. We cut out a template from an old cereal box, taped it into shape, and added a few layers of papier-mâché. After this had dried, we could cut them open at one end (otherwise, you would never be able to get them on). We then glued pieces of an old network cable onto the edges for some detailing, and spray-painted the whole thing a nice brass colour (to match the corset Thor would be wearing). These ended up looking quite nice, but they probably won't last forever, and they are quite scratchy and uncomfortable to wear - we need to improve on our bracers design for the next cosplay.

The helmet was a very plastic toy-looking item that we bought at a toy store somewhere. To make it look a bit more realistic, we filed it slightly and then used a plastic base coat and a coat of metallic spray paint, which did improve the look.

To complete the Thor look, Annalene wore a no-sew red cape previously created for a Valkyrie Halloween costume (same pattern as the Hunter's cloak), along with a steampunk corset we ordered off Raru (find it here). We used the sheet of fake leather bought for Mjölnir's handle to cut out a warrior skirt which was tied together at the back and held in place by a belt. And finally, a pair of black jeans and long black boots finished off the Asgardian warrior outfit.

We learned from this experience that creating even something basic for a cosplay can take an insane amount of time, but it is a wonderful feeling to know that you've accomplished something that pays homage to a character or world that you love. Look out for our future endeavours on this blog!

Monday 17 October 2016

Loot haul: rAge 2016

Only 353 days until the next rAge expo! We are still riding a wave of post-rAge excitement (we keep finding new websites and videos that feature our cosplay characters), and this week we wanted to share one of the best parts of rAge with you: the loot!

Unlike the loot we find when we play Diablo III and Borderlands 2 together, we did not obtain this bunch of stuff by killing monsters and raiding promising-looking chests, but it still feels like we won the geek lottery.

Enjoy the pictures!

The full loot haul from rAge 2016

Let's start with busts: this awesome Joker bust is from Smallville Comics

What is Joker without Harley? We couldn't resist getting both (Smallville Comics)

This lovely Boba Fett bust was on sale for only R150. 

Back view of Boba Fett (it doubles as a money bank).

Smallville Comics had a deal where we got this guy for free along with our Joker and Harley bust purchase.

This Space Invaders money box makes a cute retro noise every time you insert a coin!

Bobbleheads! We cannot resist Star Wars merchandise. 

We finally have a Deadpool in the house!

These two were on sale at R100 each, but neither of us can remember the name of the vendor, unfortunately.

Raiden watches over the PS4

Scorpion joins in guarding our lounge

Another epic Smallville Comics deal saw us grabbing Thor 

Close-up of the worthy Asgardian

Iron Man joined Thor in our Marvel collection

This Superman figurine has a great action pose.

Cuteness overload: we could not resist a crocheted Cthulhu by Sew Leigh

And, of course, a crocheted Pokeball

Annalene could not wait to get her hands on a BB-8 handbag at the Dark Carnival stand

Dark Carnival also had Darth Vader ice trays - a must for South African geeks in summer

Modelling some of the new stuff

Marius' brother got this nice mousepad with a headphone purchase, and gave it to us

Biggest purchase of the weekend: Hitman collector's edition (from BT Games)

The art book and classic Hitman tie that came with the game

The collector's edition also came with a large, detailed statue of the silent assassin

Agent 47 is always ready

We each got a T-shirt at the Injustice 2 screening

Our new heroes join Batman and Wonderwoman for an epic superhero montage

The busts watch over our lounge, ominously perched next to a nuke from the Fallout collection.

The Star Wars corner is always growing and gaining new recruits.

We also got the Machi Koro Millionaire's Row expansion - one of our favourite board games.

Tuesday 11 October 2016

rAge 2016: A Weekend of Geek

So after months of planning and saving, we finally attended rAge expo together. And it was worth the drive, the planning and the long queues!

Waiting for the doors to open
On  the Friday, we tried to get as much done as possible, since we knew the Saturday would be very busy. We arrived 75 minutes before opening time, and there were already a few hundred people in line when we got there.
Marius and his brother Morné, excited for the day ahead

Highlights from the first day of rAge included a behind-closed-doors look at Injustice 2, Dishonored 2 and Ghost Recon: Wildlands. We also visited a myriad of stalls with geeky merchandise from comic books and board games to figurines and BB-8 teacups. And of course, the highlight of this year's rAge: PlayStation VR!

A peek at the extremely popular NAG LAN happening at one end of the venue
A life-size Stormtrooper guarded one of the stalls 

Annalene trying out the VR

Marius trying out Rigs on the VR

Trying out PlayStation's Virtual Reality was a great experience. Marius tried out Rigs, and Annalene went for Here They Lie, and the next day we queued again and both played the demo for Until Dawn: Rush of Blood. We desperately wanted to 'be the Batman', but the queue for Batman: Arkham VR was INSANELY long, with no guarantee that we would get to play it before the end of the day. 

Here They Lie was rather meh, allowing the player to basically just amble around slowly in a scary subway tunnel, but Rigs and Rush of Blood made up for that. In VR, your brain plays amazing tricks on your body, making you feel as if you are truly looking down from great heights or holding on to a speeding rollercoaster. If more games like this are released, we would love to get a VR ourselves!

Waiting in line on Day 2

The Saturday was, for us, mostly about the cosplay. We love dressing up, and decided that we might as well enter the cosplay competition, just for fun. It was a unique experience being among so many other cosplayers and people who really appreciate the cosplay culture. We felt like minor celebrities whenever people would ask us to take photos with them. And we even ended up on a few websites! 

Marius as the Hunter from Bloodborne

Annalene cosplayed Jane Foster as Thor

Thor met up with Nick Fury, but the other Avengers were missing

Bloodborne and Dark Souls come together for a photo

Hey, we found Iron Man!

Spidey tried to see whether he was worthy to lift Mjolnir

An official pic at the NAG photo stand

Showing off our weapons

Do not mess with cosplayers

This picture is courtesy of Lazy Gamer

We thoroughly enjoyed being part of the cosplay community, even though it was hot and tiring being in costume and in character all day! 

The Saturday at rAge was way busier than the Friday, so we were glad that we had made most of our stops on the Friday, and we could focus on walking around and taking in the atmosphere on the Saturday.

Here are links to a few websites that posted pictures of some of the awesome cosplays from rAge 2016:

Lastly, we will add another blog post committed solely to all the cool stuff we bought at rAge, as well as a post about how we created the cosplay outfits, so look out for those if you are interested.