Monday 10 April 2017

Easter Treats

Easter time is synonymous with chocolatey treats in all shapes and sizes, begging us to buy them in every shop. Even though it is not possible to buy everything that tempts us (here's looking at you, Woolworths), we still couldn't resist it all.

Seeing as there haven't been any geeky events to share with you lately, we thought to put up a few pictures of our favourite treats.

PicknPay has the answer if you want something non-chocolatey and also super cute.

This is the cutest little fluffy chick ever. The wind-up mechanic makes it hop around sweetly.
Also from PicknPay: eggs with marshmallow chicks inside them. Surprise!

Almost too cute to eat.

This one's from Checkers. Pokemon mug with a chocolate egg inside (not pictured).

Daredevil guards the egg for later.

T-Rex hand puppet with chocolate eggs. RAWR. Thanks, PicknPay.

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