Monday 11 July 2016

New family member: Orgrim Doomhammer

On a Warcraft movie high (the movie was WAY better than the critics rated it, and the world of Azeroth was beautifully rendered), we recently popped into Red Claw Comix in Bloemfontein just to browse a bit (never a good idea - we invariably end up leaving with something we absolutely HAD to buy).

This comic book store has quite a large section of Funko Pop figures, and we were immediately drawn to this guy:

Orgrim Doomhammer from Warcraft just looks so badass as a Pop figure! Of course, in real life he is way bigger and scarier:

We decided to take him home with us. We would have loved to get the Durotan and Lothar figures as well, but they had already been sold out. Those two also look stunning, according to the pictures we've seen.

Neither of us really believe in keeping our collectables 'in original packaging', so we threw away the box before these photos were taken.

Welcome to the family, Orgrim!

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