Monday 4 July 2016


Okay, so onesies were a pretty lame idea until we saw the superhero ones. And seeing as winter is upon us, what better way is there to keep warm and snuggly when we're hanging out at home?

We were doubly excited to finally find onesies that were tall enough for Marius this year - the trend really seems to have taken off, and more stores are starting to sell onesies for grown men.

The women's sections are still quite boring though, so we mostly just shop in the guys' sections where they have Superman, Batman, dinosaurs, and other cool things. The best places to look, in our experience, are Pick 'n Pay Clothing, Checkers Hyper, and Ackermans. If you find cool onesies anywhere else, please tell us!

Apart from making you feel awesome and heroic, these things are also incredibly warm. The only downside, of course, is having to practically undress whenever you need to go to the bathroom. So make sure to at least wear a shirt or something underneath for extra protection.

Here are a few pictures of us hanging out in our superhero onesie gear.

Batman onesies (Ackermans) and coffee cups (Checkers)

He is the hero Gotham needs...

Nananananananana Batgirl

Brooding hero

Superman is super excited to get a onesie that fits (from Checkers Hyper)

Superman in Viking disguise

We had to throw in these amazing Darth Vader slippers from Checkers Hyper

Very warm and snuggly Batman onesie from Pick n Pay Hyper

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