Saturday 10 October 2020

Geek heaven: Comic Warehouse

We were recently in the Johannesburg area (check out our Medieval Fayre post), and decided to take the drive to visit the Comic Warehouse before we went home. This place is probably South Africa's largest comic book store, and is basically geek heaven (but if you are broke, it could also be considered geek hell).

We spent a really long time going through every aisle and shelf, oohing and ahing at the merchandise. A visit is recommended if you enjoy geeky things. They have an especially large amount of Harry Potter merchandise, but also a bit of everything else. Here are some photos we wanted to share.

The entrance to greatness

Huge Aquaman statue 

Harry Potter display

Some retro posters and machines

A Punisher arcade game! Marius had to be dragged away.
A character that gets mentioned way too rarely: Throg

Some Star Wars goodies
Annalene admires Boba Fett
Retro vibes
These figurines were stunning (and expensive)

Captured by the Empire

Entrance to the Star Wars section

You don't realize that you need a life-sized Boba Fett in your life, until you see one...

Loot haul: Superman energy drinks, Lord of the Rings Pops, The Godfather boardgame, The Witcher 3 pint glasses, and a PlayStation mug. Not pictured: the amazing cookies we already finished eating.

All you need when drinking from these, is a song by Dandelion.

This is what the mug looks like when heated.

Aragorn and Boromir

Really cool details on these Pops. Check the Horn of Gondor.
Details of mud on the boots and cape.

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